Supplier of the Year - 2023

“Company Tony Perotti has prooven that confidence and committment in using a new business model plays an important role in growing business and reaching new customers and consumers. As early adopter of the FoR Open Trade-model, you have been a great partner in the first years of developing the platform for reaching extended brand availablity on a consumer level, and for future growth. We are excited to see continued growth and expansion in 2024 and beyond.

We are excited to see continued growth and expansion in 2024 and beyond.”

- Ola Levin, VD på Future of Retail

"We are very honored with the award "For Supplier of the Year 2023". Our cooperation with your company has simplified the work for us. We are happy to know that our efforts are recognized and appreciated. The prospect of continuing our collaboration in 2024 fills us with enthusiasm and optimism. We believe that our synergy will create even more opportunities and open more doors for mutual growth and success.”

- Suzan Könst, Tony Perotti


Retailer of the Year - 2023


Growth Machine of the Year - 2023